
Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Potions, Photos, View. A moment of herbalism.

Ghost Pipe Tincture

Wintergreen Elixir

Sweet Everlasting Facial Repair Oil

Sweet Everlasting Regenerating Cream


Wild Ghost Pipe

I suppose I could steal away this moment to say something profound about herbal medicine. So I'll say just this. Herbal medicine is an emotional and physiological imprint of plant wisdom upon one's being. To learn: spend time with plants. Feel them, hear them, smell them, taste them, draw them. Relate, argue, ask, believe.
Paint them, cook them, infuse them, plant them, drink them, dance them, breathe them.

Forest <3

The view from a wildcrafting spot

Sweet Everlasting Skin Repair Wand

Lady's Slipper Ring Intensive Repair Collection

Made with Love

1 comment:

  1. Ghost pipe tincture! That sounds really scary to me. Do you have something specific or is this to have on hand? I'm assuming you plan to use it for pain?
