It's a funny thing
How it makes us stronger and weaker
in one stroke
It's a funny thing
this emotional ride
how it takes us downriver
towards a relentless tide
How we push up against truth
until it slams back against us
like a revolving door
Cracking us wide
It's a funny thing
this, being open
like the hat of a busking musician
we risk no return
while we pour out our heart
and soul
and personal composition
and we wait to find out.
and so it comes in
that ineffable tide
salty with reality
kissing us again
each night
no matter how far we push it away.
we come back to the shore of our being
and remain open,
It's a funny thing
how it shakes us to waking
and smarts like a burn
yet somehow is the balm
for what was really an old wound
and we stay in it
to our tremendous
capacity to feel.
Weeping oceans onto carpet
and grief into bathtubs
we pour
all our reins into liquid.
It's a funny thing this feeling;
how it leads us to healing.
Words connect hearts and you have touched mine.