
Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Blogger award nomination

Thanks, Livia - for the kind nomination! I'm not exactly sure how it works; who originated it and how they track the nominees or evaluate the winner.... but hey I'll play anyway for vanity's sake.

Who would I nominate? I'll have to go simply with the ones I really read often, as opposed to an objective analysis. If you frequent my blog, these won't come as any surprise.

1) Of course, she's probably already nominated, but the lovely Kiva Rose writes deliciously and informatively.

2) Desert Medicine Woman who I also adore and always look forward to what she has to share.

3) Julia Butterfly Hill - she doesn't write very often, but each piece is succulent, moving, and important.

4) Kitchen Witch - love her un-separateness of plant spirit medicine and tangible earthy wisdom.

5) The Blessed Thistle - just the perfect balance of happy herbal info and political kvetching.

6)United Plant Savers - just as the name describes, this is where you get the info about endangered species and what is being done to caretake them. Important stuff and everyone should be a member :) Perhaps it's not technically a blog, but it has a feed.

7) Red Tent Temple TN - This one fills my heart with joy; to watch the Red Tents across our Earth rise up and evolve brings me a sense of hope and peace for our women, culture, and planet. The author Yarrow has been a special little spark in my life. I love the writing and resources on this blog.


  1. You are so kind. Thank you for this nomination, and for checking out my blog. It is blogs like yours that inspire me!

    Honey in the heart, green blessings,
    Ms Thistle

  2. That is so sweet, Ananda. Thank you from the Red Tent Temple~TN. We are so excited about our first Temple this week. I owe so much to you and your blogs as the inspiration for our start. Many blessings.
    Yarrow & Red Tent Temple~TN

  3. You are both so welcome!
    mmmmm honey in the heart .... yeah:)

  4. thanks so much, sweetheart!

    much love to you,
