
Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Green Goddess

Ahhhhh, demulcent of the soul and the skin. Our mother comfrey is in full force and lucious purple bloom.
I am gearing up to make lots of glorious green oil, as I do every year, for salves, body oils, and nourishing salads. I may even have enough this year to harvest roots.
Thank you Comfrey!


  1. Ananda! I had no idea you were blogging!!
    i' have some much to catch up on!!!
    LOVELY pictures dear!!

    Here's to huge hugs!!
    and plant goodness!

  2. Hi Darcey!! Thanks for stopping by - you must have gotten the link through Kiva:) (thanks!) As you can see, I LOVE taking photos almost more than I like writing. I have a lot to catch up on too ... the plant blog is new so I haven't told people. I was blogging mostly for the kids on theirs.
